Cominvent runs the gift card portal www.gavekort.no, which was first launched in 2006. Before christmas 2008, the site was completely re-written, with a new portal framework, new design and much more content.
Gavekort.no is Norway’s largest collection of gift cards. From one single site you can search or navigate to find the gift card that suits you (or the lucky receiver) the best. The users love it. And the shops love it as well, as it gives them better exposure of their gift cards and thus more sales.
Both listing in the portal and use of it is free of charge, says Jan Høydahl. We believe this is the modern way of building up a large popular service with many satisfied users – giving something away for free. And the core of the service will always be free, even if we in the future will monetize on other aspects.
Visit the site and see for youself!