Over due by several years, Wrox just published a book about Microsoft Enterprise Search, including the different FAST flavours. Bravo!
You can ask how all the users of FAST technology could have managed for so many years without some public source of learning the products. Up until now FAST/MS and their partners have been the sole source of learning FAST Search [1]. Now, we’re part of that eco-system and may have profited on the lack of material available, but that’s another story.
The book is written by Jeff Fried (Ex-FAST), Mark Bennett, Natalya Voskresenskaya and Miles Kehoe and covers the chapters
- What is Enterprise Search
- Developing a strategy – the business process of search
- Overview of Microsoft Enterprise search products
- Search within Sharepoint 2010
- FAST Search within Sharepoint 2010
- Customizing search with Sharepoint 2010
- Introduction to FAST ESP
- Customnization and deployment of FAST ESP 5.x
- Advanced topics
- Enterprise search is social search
- Search and business intelligence
- The future of search
I have not read the book yet – but I have bought it to my Kindle and will flip though it on my iPad if time allows. I could of course, humble as I am, have authored much of this book myself, but maybe I can learn a thing or two as well
Click the book cover to go to Amazon.com’s book page.
[1]: Except from http://www.fastforum.info/ (owner) and http://fastesphelp.com/ (by Anand Kumar Pandey)
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