Solr 5 released

Solr/Lucene 5 is a major release with lots of features and bug fixes. It is backward compatible with Solr4.x, but if you wish to upgrade from 3.x or older, you need to first upgrade to 4.x if you want to avoid reindexing all content. The main news for Solr in 5.x is start scripts and

Apache Solr 4.7

Apache Solr versjon 4.7 er her! Les annonseringen på og se CHANGES.txt for alle detaljer. Våre favoritt-funksjoner: Migrere dokumenter fra en kolleksjon til en annen (SOLR-5308) Se på konfigurasjonsfiler i Admin UI Effektiv dyp paginering ved hjelp av ‘cursorMark’ (SOLR-5463) SSL større for SolrCloud (SOLR-3854) Last ned og nyt!

Apache Solr 4.7 released

Apache Solr version 4.7 is here! Please read the release announcement at and see CHANGES.txt for all details. Our favourite features Migrate documents from one collection to another one (SOLR-5308) File viewer in Admin GUI Efficient deep paging using ‘cursorMark’ (SOLR-5463) SSL support for SolrCloud (SOLR-3854) Enjoy!