Our GoOpen talk about DN.no migrating to Solr

We held a talk at the Open Source Conference GoOpen 2011 in Oslo today, together with our customer NHST, represented by Hans Jørgen Hoel. The talk was about the process of migrating from FAST ESP to Apache Solr for all of NHST’s news publications and other data sources.

The presentation is in Norwegian.

Live Solr chat support?

Ever needed an urgent answer to some Solr/Lucene question? Haven’t got a support contract and someone to call yet? I assume you’re already on the mailing lists and know about that channel. But wiat many people do not know is that the Solr/Lucene community also hosts a live chat where you can get help real

Solr sammendrag november 2010

Vi oversetter nok en gang Sematext’s Solr Digest, denne gangen for November 2010. Dette var ikke en måned med masse interessant utvikling, så her fokuserer vi på de mest interessante tingene: Ferdig funksjonalitet Alle som jobber med polsk språk vil være glad for at en Polsk stemmer nå er i 3_x branch og i trunk. Interessant funksjonalitet

The Solr distros are coming

Open Source Search is gaining more and more traction. First you had Lucene (2001), giving great search for programmers. Then we got Solr (2006) making search accessible for non programmers, but a certain level of expertise is still needed. And then came Constellio, an open source (GPL) enterprise search distribution (distro) built on Solr, adding a slick GUI, connector and crawling support and more.

Say again. A Solr distro?

I call it “distro” because I like to compare the evolution to what we have seen in GNU/Linux. First there was the Linux core. Then there was the GNU tools that made Linux so much more usable but still only for engineers comfortable with the command line. And last, companies like RedHat and Suse built complete distros including modern GUI, ready-to use tools such as OpenOffice, Thunderbird and more. Without these distros, Linux would just have been a “core” leaving to the user to add the extra sugar.