Need to migrate from your existing search solution to a new one? A migration requires good and structured planning and deep knowledge of the existing solution as well as the target technology.

Cominvent AS has deep knowledge in both FAST ESP, Apache Lucene, Apache Solr and Elastic Search, and can take on migrations from your current search solution to any of these, inlcuding planning through design, implementation, testing and performance tuning.

Migrate to Solr or Elastic Search?

Out-grown your existing search engine? Want more freedom with a future proof Open Source Lucene based search server? Need linear scalability, high availability and automatic fail-over? Want unparalleled configurability and extensibility? Sub-second queries, GEO search, faceted search, clustering and field collapsing? What about free support from thousands of active users and developers? Paid support and professional training? Customize the source code to integrate with your system? Want to run it on the operating system of your choice?

We help you to migrate to Apache Solr or Elastic Search.

Contact us today for a talk about your migration need.

PS: No matter if your current search is powered by IBM Omnifind, Autonomy IDOL, Verity, GSA, Sphinx, Xapian, Attivio, Coveo, Dieselpoint, dtSearch, Endeca, Oracle, plain database (DB) or any other legacy engine, we can do the task, since our methodology focuses on your requirements, not historic architecture.
