Apache Solr 1.4 finally released
Finally, after long delays, Apache Solr version 1.4 is released. The long delay was mainly due to very strict quality standards, which made it necessary to wait until some serious known bugs were dealt with. Also read my previous article on what’s new in this version. Here is the official release statement:
Apache Solr 1.4 has been released and is now available for
public download! http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/lucene/solr/
Cominvent AS provides professional support for Lucene/Solr
So you are thinking of adopting open source search Solr or Lucene, but are reluctant because of the lack of support fom the open source world? Or perhaps you are already using Apache Solr or Lucene in your organization, and would like to have an expert partner to support you with your current solution and
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