Apache Solr 4.7 released

Apache Solr version 4.7 is here! Please read the release announcement at http://lucene.apache.org/solr/solrnews.html#26-february-2014-apache-solr-470-available and see CHANGES.txt for all details. Our favourite features Migrate documents from one collection to another one (SOLR-5308) File viewer in Admin GUI Efficient deep paging using ‘cursorMark’ (SOLR-5463) SSL support for SolrCloud (SOLR-3854) Enjoy!

Apache Solr 4.5 released

The Apache Lucene project just released Apache Solr version 4.5. Please read the release announcement at http://lucene.apache.org/solr/solrnews.html#5-october-2013-apache-solr-45-available and see CHANGES.txt for all details. Some highlights are multi-threaded faceting (SOLR-2548), multi-threaded updates with CloudSolrServer (SOLR-4816) and more intelligent routing of documents with SolrCloud. Enjoy!